United States Court of Appeals Library
For The
Fifth Circuit
Hon. Priscilla Richman, Chief Judge
Sue Creech, Circuit Librarian
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Index to Judges' Biographies
Adams, Arlin
Ainsworth, Robert
Alaimo, Anthony
Alarcon, Arthur L
Aldisert, Ruggero
Aldrich, Ann
Aldrich, Bailey
Alesia, James
Alger, Mary
Allen, Charles
Allen, Florence
Allgood, Clarence
Almond, James
Altimari, Frank
Anderson, Aldon
Anderson, G.
Anderson, Robert
Arceneaux, George Jr.
Archer, Glenn
Arnold, Richard
Arnold, Thurman
Arnow, Winston
Aronovitz, Sidney
Arraj, Alfred
Atkins, Carl
Augelli, Anthony
Bailey, Thomas
Ballantine, Thomas
Barlow, George
Barnes, Stanley
Barrett, James
Bartels, John
Bastian, Walter
Battey, Richard
Bazelon, David
Beck, Axel
Becker, Edward
Becker, William
Beckworth, Lindley
Beeks, William
Bell, J.
Bell, Samuel
Belloni, Robert
Bennett, Marion
Betts, Samuel
Bicks, Alexander
Biggs, John
Bissell, Jean
Black, Hugo
Black, Norman
Blackman, Harry
Blair, C.
Blumenfeld, M.
Boe, Nils
Bogue, Andrew
Bohanon, Luther
Bone, Homer
Boochever, Robert
Bork, Robert
Bownes, Hugh
Boyle, Francis
Boyle, John
Bramwell, Henry
Bratton, Howard
Bratton, Sam
Breitenstein, Jean
Brennan, Stephen
Brennan, William
Brett, Thomas
Bright, Myron
Brimmer, Clarence
Broderick, Vincent
Brody, Morton
Brooks, Gene
Brooks, Henry
Brown, Bailey
Brown, John
Brown, Paul
Brown, Wesley
Browning, James
Bruchhausen, Walter
Bryan, Albert
Bryan, Frederick
Bryant, William
Bue, Carl
Burciaga, Juan
Burger, Warren
Burke, Harold
Burns, Ellen
Burns, James
Burton, Harold
Butler, Algernon
Butzner, John
Byrne, William Sr.
Byrne, William Matthew Jr.
Byrnes, James
Caffrey, Andrew
Cameron, Benjamin
Campbell, John
Campbell, Todd
Campbell, William
Campos, Santiago,
Carman, Gregory
Carr, Charles
Carr, George
Carter, Gene
Carter, James
Carter, Oliver
Carter, Robert
Castagna, William
Castle, Latham,
Cecil, Lester
Celebrezze, Anthony
Chambers, Richard
Chandler, Stephen
Chase, Salmon
Chestnut, William
Chilson, Olin
Choate, Emett
Choy, Herbert
Christensen, A. Sherman
Christian, Almeric
(n/a - 1999)
Christie, Sidney
Cire, George
Clarie, Thomas
Clark, Charles
Clark, Charles
Clark, Joseph
Clark, Thomas
Clark, Tom
Clarke, Thurmond
Clary, Thomas
Clayton, Claude
Cobb, Howell
Coffin, Frank
Cohen, Mitchell
Cohn, Avern
Coleman, James
Collins, Linton
Collinson, William
Combs, Betram
Connally, Ben
Connell, James
Conti, Samuel
Contie, Leroy
Conway, John
Cook, Julian
Coolahan, James
Copple, William
Costantino, Mark
Cotteral, John
Cox, Allen
Cox, Emmett
Cox, Owen
Cox, William
Cranch, William
Crary, E.
Craven, James
Crow, Sam
Curtis, Benjamin
Dalton, Theodore
Daly, T.
Danaher, John
Daronco, Richard
Darr, Leslie
Daugherty, Fred
Davies, Ronald
Davis, David
Davis, John
Davis, Oscar
Dawkins, Benjamin
Dawson, Archie
De Ment, Ira
Decker, Bernard
DeMascio, Robert
Demoss, Harold
Denman, William
Denney, Robert
Devitt, Edward
Dietrich, Frank
Dillin, Samuel
Dillon, John
Dimock, Edward
Dobie, Armistead,
Dooling, John
Douglas, William
Doyle, William
Duffy, Francis
Duggan, Patrick
Dumbauld, Edward
Duncan, Richard
Duniway, Benjamin
Dupree, Franklin
East, William
Eaton, Joe
Edenfield, B.
Edenfield, Newell
Edgerton, Henry
Edwards, George
Eginton, Warren
Eisele, Garnett
Elliott, J. Robert
Ellison, James
Ely, Walter
Enseln, Richard
Ervin, Samuel
Erwin, Richard
Estes, Joe
Fagg, George
Fahy, Charles
Fay, Peter
Fee, James
Feikens, John
Feinberg, Wilfred
Ferguson, Warren
Finesilver, Sherman
Finnegan, Philip
Fisher, Clarkson
Fisher, Joe
Fitzgerald, James
Flannery, Thomas
Fletcher, Betty
Foley, James
Foley, Roger
Foley, Roger
Follmer, Frederick,
Fong, Harold
Ford, Francis
Ford, Hiram
Ford, Morgan
Forman, Phillip
Fortas, Abe
Fox, James
Frank, Jerome
Frankfurter, Felix
Freedman, Abraham
(1904 -1971)
Freedman, Frank
Freeman, Ralph
Freeman, Richard
Friedman, Daniel
Friendly, Henry
Fulton, Charles
(1910 -1996)
Gagliardi, Lee
Galston, Clarence
Ganey, J.
Gardner, Archibald
Gardner, James Knoll
Garrity, W.
Garth, Leonard
Garwood, William
Garza, Reynaldo
Gasch, Oliver
Gee, Thomas
Gerry, John
(1925- 1995)
Gesell, Gerhard
Gex, Walter
Gibson, Floyd
Gibson, John
Gignoux, Edward
Gilbert, William
Gilliam, Donnell
Ginsburg, Ruth
Godbold, John
Goldberg, Arthur
Goldberg, Irving
Goodrich, Herbert
Goodwin, Alfred
Goodwin, William
Gorbey, James H.
Gordon, Eugene
Gordon, James
Gordon, Myron
Gourley, Wallace
Grant, Robert
Graven, Henry
Greenberg, Morton
Greene, Harold
Greene, J. Thomas
Griesa, Thomas
Guinn, Ernest
Gurfein, Murray
Haden, Charles
Halbert, Sherrill
Hall, Cynthia
Hall, Kenneth
Hall, Peirson
Hall, Peter W.
Hall, Robert
Hall, Sam
Hamley, Frederick
Hamlin, Oliver
Hand, Learned
Haney, Bert
Hanson, William
Hardy, Charles
Hargrove, John
Harlan, John
Harper, Roy
Harris, George
Harris, Oren
Hart, George
Hartshorne, Richard
Harvey, R.
Hastie, William
Hastings, John
Hatch, Carl
Hauk, A.
Haynsworth, Clement
Hays, Paul
Healy, William
Heaney, Gerald
Hemphill, Robert
Henderson, Albert
Henley, J.
Herlands, William
Herman, Robert
Hickey, John
Higginbotham, Aloyisus
Higgins, Thomas
Hill, Delmas
Hill, Irving
Hill, James
Hill, Robert
Hincks, Carroll
Hodge, Walter
Hodges, William
Hoffman, Walter
Hogan, Timothy
Holder, Cale
Holloway, William
Holman, Jesse
Holmes, Edwin
Holtzoff, Alexander
Hooper, Frank
Hopkins, James
Horton, Odell
Howard, Alex
Howard, George
Hug, Proctor
Hughes, Sarah
Hull, Thomas
Hunter, Elmo,
Hunter, James
Hupp, Harry
Hutcheson, Charles
Hutchinson, William
Huxman, Walter
Huyett, Daniel
Ingersoll, Charles
Ingraham, Joe
Ingram, William
Jackson, Joseph
Jackson, Robert
Jackson, Thomas
Jameson, William
Jarvis, James
Jertberg, Gilbert
Johnsen, Harvey
Johnson, Alexander
Johnson, Benjamin
Johnson, Frank
Johnson, Jed
Johnson, Norma
Johnson, Sam
Johnstone, Edward
Joiner, Charles
Jones, John
Jones, John
Jones, Nathaniel
Jones, Paul
Jones, Warren
Jones, William
Jones, Woodrow
Judd, Orrin
Justice, William
Kalodner, Harry
Karlton, Lawrence K
Katz, David
Katzmann, Robert A.
Kaufman, Irving
Keady, William
Keech, Richmond
Keeton, Robert
Keith, Damon
Kellam, Richard
Kelly, John
Kennedy, Cornelia
Kent, W.
Kerr, Ewing
Kiley, Roger
Kilkenny, John
King, Samuel
Kitchen, John
Knoch, Winfred
Knox, John
Knox, William
Kraft, C.
Kravitch, Phyllis
Krentzman, Ben
(1914 -1998)
Kunzel, Fred
Kunzig, Robert
Landis, Frederick
Lane, Donald
Lane, Harry
Larkins, John
Larson, Earl
Lasker, Morris
Laureta, Alfred
Lawrence, Alexander
Lay, Donald
Layton, Caleb
Leahy, Paul
Leavitt, Humphrey
Leavy, Edward
Leddy, Bernard
Lederle, Arthur
Leighton, George
Lemmon, Dal
Letts, Fred
Leventhal, Harold
Levet, Richard
Levin, Gerald
Levin, Theodore
Lewis, David
Lieb, Joseph
Lindley, Walter
Lively, Pierce
Logan, James
Lord, Joseph
Lord, Miles
Lowell, John
Lumbard, Joseph
Luongo, Alfred
Lydick, Lawrence
Lynne, Seybourn
Machrowicz, Thaddeus
MacKinnon, George
MacLaughlin, Harry
MacMahon, Lloyd
Madden, Joseph
Madden, Thomas
Magill, Frank
Magruder, Calvert
Mahoney, John
Major, James
Maletz, Herbert
Mansfield, Walter
Mansmann, Carol
Maris, Albert
Markey, Howard
Marovitz, Abraham
Marsh, Rabe
Marshall, John
Marshall, Thurgood
Martin, Boyce
Martin, John
Mathes, William
Mathews, Clifton
Matthes, Marion
Matthews, Burnita
Mazzone, A.
McAllister, Thomas
McBryde, John
McCree, Wade
McDermott, George
McGarraghy, Joseph
McGlynn, Joseph
McGowan, Carl
McGranery, James
McKay, Monroe
McKinney, Larry
McKnight , H.
McLaughlin, Charles
McLaughlin, Gerald
McLaughlin, Joseph M.
McLean, John
McManus, Edward
McMillan, James
McMillian, Theodore
McNairy, John
McNamee, Charles
McWilliams, Robert
Meaney, Thomas
Mechem, Edwin
Medina, Harold
Meekins, Isaac
Mehaffy, Pat
Mehrtens, William
Melton, Howell
Mentz, Henry
Meredith, Ronald
Merrill, Charles
Meskill, Thomas
Michael, M. Blane
Mickelson, George
Mikva, Abner
Miles, Wendell
Miller, Andrew
Miller, John
Miller, Shackelford
Miller, Wilbur
Miller, William
Mishler, Jacob
Moore, George
Moore, John
Moore, Leonard
Morgan, Lewis
Morton, Leland
Motley, Constance
Moye, Charles
Mulligan, William
Murnaghan, Francis
Murphy, Diana
Murphy, Frank
Murphy, John
Murrah, Alfred
Murray, Frank
Neese, Charles
Nelson, David
Nelson, David
Nelson, Edwin
Nelson, Samuel
Nelson, Thomas
Neville, Philip
Newcomer, Clarence
Nichol, Fred
Nichols, Philip
Nickerson, Eugene
Nielsen, Leland
Nies, Helen
Noland, James
Noonan, Gregory
Nordbye, Gunnar
Oakes, James
Oberdorfer, Louis
O'Brien, David
O'Brien, Donald
O'Connor, Earl
O'Connor, Sandra
O'Kelley, William
Oliver, John
Orr, William
Orrick, William
O'Sullivan, Clifford
Overton, William
Owens, Wilbur
Palmieri, Edmund
Parker, Barrington
Parker, Fred
Parker, James A.
Parker, John
Parker, Robert
Parkinson, W.
Parsons, James
Paul, John
Peck, John
Peckham, Robert
Pell, Wilbur
Pence, Martin
Pepper, W. Allen
Pesquera, Hernan
Pettine, Raymond
Phillips, Harry
Phillips, Orie
Picard, Frank
Pickett, John
Pitman, John
Platt, Thomas
Plummer, Raymond
Pogue, Donald C.
Politz, Henry
Pollack, Milton
Poole, Cecil
Pope, Nathaniel
Pope, Walter
Port, Edmund
Porter, Donald
Powell, Charles
Powell, Lewis
Pratt, John
Pratt, Philip
Prettyman, E.
Price, Edward
Rao, Paul
Re, Edward
Rea, William
Reasoner, Stephen
Reavley, Thomas
Reed, Scott
Reed, Stanley
Regan, John
Register, George
Rehnquist, William
Renfrew, Charles
Renner, Robert
Revercomb, George
Rice, Ben
Rice, Eugene
Rich, Giles
Richardson, Scovel
Richey, Charles
Ridge, Albert
Rizley, Ross
Robb, Roger
Roberts, Jack
Roberts, Ross
Robinson, Aubrey
Robinson, Spottswood
Robson, Edwin
Roche, Michael
Rodney, Richard
Rogers, Richard
Rogers, Waldo
Roll, John
Roney, Paul
Rosen, James
Rosenberg, Louis
Rosenn, Max
Rosling, George
Ross, Donald
Ross, John
Roth, Stephen
Roy, Elsijane
Rubin, Alvin
Rubin, Carl
Rudkin, Frank
Ruiz-Nazario, Clemente
Russell, Donald
Russell, Robert
Ryan, Sylvester
Saffels, Dale
Sanborn, John
Sanders, Harold
Sawtelle, William
Scalia, Antonin
Scarlett, Francis
Schatz, Albert
Schwartz, Edward
Schwarzer, William
Scott, Charles
Seals, Woodrow
Sear, Morey
Seitz, Collins
Senter, Lyonel
Seth, Oliver
Sharp, Allen
Sharp, G.
Sharp, Morell
Sheehy, Joe,
Sheridan, Michael
Shoob, Marvin
Sibley, Samuel
Silberman, Laurence
Simons, Charles
Simons, Charles
Simpson, John
Singleton, John
Skelton, Byron
Skinner, Walter
Skopil, Otto
Sloviter, Dolores
Smith, Arthur
Smith, Edward
Smith, John
Smith, John
Smith, Orma
Smith, Talbot
Smith, William
Sneed, Joseph
Snyder, Daniel
Sobeloff, Simon
Solomon, Gus
Soper, Morris
Sorg, Herbert
Spears, Adrian
Sprague, Peleg
Sprecher, Robert
Squatrito, Dominic
Stahl, David
Stahl, Norman
Staley, Austin
Stanley, Arthur
Stanley, Edwin
Starr, Kenneth
Starr, Raymond
Steckler, William
Steel, Edwin
Steger, William
Stephens, Albert
Stephens, Albert
Stephenson, Roy
Sterling, Ross
Stevens, John
Stewart, Potter
Stone, Kimbrough
Story, Joseph
Sutherland, George
Swaim, Hardess
Sweeney, George
Sweigert, William
Swinford, Mac
Swygert, Luther
Tamm, Edward
Taney, Roger
Tang, Thomas
Tate, Albert
Tauro, Joseph
Taylor, Anna
Taylor, Fred
Taylor, Robert
Taylor, William
Teitelbaum, Hubert
Templar, Henry
Thacher, Thomas
Theis, Frank
Thomas, Seth
Thomason, Robert
Thompson, Bruce
Thompson, Ralph
Thompson, Roby
Thompson, Smith
Thomsen, Roszel
Thornberry, Homer
Thornton, Thomas
Thruston, Buckner
Timbers, William
Toledo, Jose
Torruella, Juan R.
Trager, David
Trask, Ozell,
Trigg, Connally
Tuttle, Elbert
Unthank, G.
Van Dusen, Francis
Van Oosterhout, Martin
Van Pelt, Robert
Van Sickle, Bruce
VanBebber, G.
Vance, Robert
Varner, Robert
Vega, Filemon
Vernon, Earl
Vogel, Charles
von der Heydt, James
Wald, Patricia
Waldman, Jay
Walsh, James
Walsh, Leonard
Wangelin, Harris
Ward, Hiram
Ware, Ashur
Waring, Julius
Warlick, Wilson
Warren, Earl
Warren, Robert
Warringer, D.
Washington, George
Waterman, Sterry
Waters, H.
Watkins, Harry
Watkins, Robert
Watson, James
Weber, Gerald
Weber, Randolph
Weick, Paul
Weigel, Stanley
Weinberger, Jacob
Weinfeld, Edward
Weinman, Carl
Weis, Joseph
Wellford, Harry
Werker, Henry
West, E. Gordon
West, Lee
Wexler, Leonard
Whipple, Lawrence
Whitaker, Samuel
White, Bryon
Whittaker, Charles
Widener, H. Emory
Wilkey, Malcolm
Wilkin, Robert
Will, Hubert
Williams, David
Williams, Glen
Williams, Jerre
Williams, Karen
Williams, Spencer
Williams, Stephen F
Willson, Joseph
Wilson, David
Wilson, Frank
Winder, David
Winter, Harrison
Winter, Ralph K
Wisdom, John
Wise, Henry
Wiseman, Thomas
Wollenberg, Albert
Wood, John
Woodrough, Joseph
Woodruff, Lewis
Woods, Henry
Worley, Francis
Wright, Eugene
Wright, James
Wyatt, Inzer
Wyche, Charles
Wyzanski, Charles
Yankwich, Leon
Young, Don
Young, George
Young, Gordon
Young, Joseph
Young, Warren
Youngdahl, Luther
Zampano, Robert
Zavatt, Joseph
Zirpoli, Alfonso